how to draw sketch of lips

Drawing human lips includes catching the unobtrusive bends and nuanced subtleties that give them their expressive quality. Lips are a point of convergence in looks, passing a great many feelings. To draw lips precisely, understanding their fundamental construction and the interchange of light and shadow is fundamental. Start by drawing the general shape, which consists of an upper lip with a slight cupid’s bow and a more full lower lip. Focus on the regular bends and the manner in which lips associate at the sides of the mouth. Seeing how light cooperates with the lips will assist you with adding practical overshadowing and features, giving them a three-layered appearance. With an emphasis on extent, detail, and surface, you can make lips that are physically precise as well as convey a feeling of profundity and feeling in your fine art. You can also read How to Draw Easy Sketch of Nose

Materials needed to draw sketch of lips:

  • 5B and 7B pencils for dark shade.
  • B and 3B pencils for lighter shade.
  • Mono zero eraser for highlights.
  • Dry brush for blending.

Techniques for drawing lips that are simple and basic:

 I will show you how to draw sketch of lips in these steps.

Basic Lip Path and Texture:

 Step 1:

Resources For step one, randomly pick up a B or 3B pencil and a rectangular piece of paper. Using a plain sheet of paper, draw a horizontal line down the center if you don’t have rectangular paper available. Then you can use a piece of paper and proceed as directed.

Draw two lines down the middle of the paper: one vertical and one horizontal. You can see in the image below how to achieve this.


In the second step, you can draw a V at the midpoint of the vertical and horizontal lines. The vee is the middle shape or area of the lips. You can draw it like I did in this picture.

Step 3:

In this step, I add two carving lines on both sides of the V, for example, the right and left sides of the V. And this is the area between the upper and lower lips.

Step 4:

In this step, I draw the upper lips. I draw the middle area of the upper lip with the vee shape and middle line that we already drew in our first step.

Step 5:

In this step, I draw the lower lip. I draw the lower lip by simply drawing a carved line. And join its sides in the middle carve lines. Then we can see that our sketch of lips keeps a good shape, like perfect lips.

Step 6

 In these steps, I draw a value line on the upper lip; these lines give me the correct direction of the shading. It works with the guidelines of the shading.

Step 7

In these steps, repeat the same process. But this time draw these lines in the lower lip.

Step 8

In our eighth step, draw a shading guideline because, without a shading guideline, we wouldn’t be able to fully shade it..

 Now we start shading our lips.

Step 1

  • Material: First, I shade the lips using a lighter shade of the pencil, like B or 3B.
  • Shade: In our first step of shading, we can shade the lips using guide lines. As you can see in the image,

Step 2

In this step, I use some lighter and higher-shaded pencils like 3B, B, 7B, and 5B. In the dark areas, you can use a dark pencil, and in the light areas, you can use a light pencil.

Tip: If you can blend anything, you should hold the pencil straight in your hand and give minimum and minimum pressure on the tip of the pencil.

Step 3

In this step, use a dry brush and blend the areas you can see in the image.

Step 4

In this step, I can blend with a dry brush. You can also use tissue paper instead of a dry brush to blend and dissolve the pencil shades in the paper.

Tip: You should always blend with a light hand. This process makes your work more realistic.

Step 5

In our fifth step, the mid-ribs are very carefully blended because they connect to the face and are the expressive part of our face. So you mix it carefully to give a proper impression.

Step  6

In our sixth step, I draw some lines on the image, which gives me the direction of the stoke lines that I will draw in it in the next step.

Step 7

 In this step, I draw stoke lines on the lips to make them look realistic. I drew the stoke lines on the lip image above to guide you on how to draw the stoke lines in the lips that are shown in this image.

This is the image of ladies lips

Step 8

In this step, I create shine lines or light lines on the lips, which makes it more realistic. I can draw these lines using mono zero eraser.


1. What’s the most ideal way to begin drawing lips?

Start with a fundamental layout of the lips’ shape, zeroing in on the general extents and ebb and flow. In learn how to draw sketch of lips you must Begin with a basic, even line for the mouth, then sketch the upper and lower lips, taking note of the cupid’s bow and totality.

2. How would I catch the state of the lips precisely?

In learning how to draw sketch of lips you must focus on the normal bends and points of the lips. The upper lip normally has a slight plunge in the center (the cupid’s bow), while the lower lip is for the most part more full and more adjusted.

3. What are the vital highlights to zero in on while drawing lips?

Center around the cupid’s bow, the line where the lips meet, and the slight distinctions in thickness between the upper and lower lips. These highlights give the lips their unmistakable shape and articulation.

4. How might I make lips look three-layered?

Use concealing to make profundity. Apply lighter tones where the light raises a ruckus around town and more obscure tones in the areas that subside. This differentiation assists with making a reasonable, three-layered impact.

5. How would I learn how to draw sketch of lips on practical surface?

Add scarce differences and unpretentious kinks to the surface. Lips have a characteristic surface with little lines and varieties. Utilize a light touch to draw these subtleties without overpowering the general shape.

6. What would it be advisable for me to stay away from while drawing lips?

Try not to make the lips excessively balanced or excessively adapted. Normal lips have slight imbalances and varieties in shape. Additionally, stay away from weighty blueprints that can make the lips look level and unreasonable.

7. How would I pick the right concealing method to learning how to draw sketch of lips?

Utilize a mix of smooth mixing and barely recognizable differences to address the lips’ normal surface. Delicate concealing makes the deception of non-abrasiveness, while almost negligible differences can improve subtleties like the lip’s surface and edges.

8. How might I further develop my lip-drawing abilities?

Practice consistently, utilizing various references and styles. Concentrate on the design and surface of genuine lips and examine them with different concealing procedures. Investigating photos and rehearsing at various points will improve your abilities over the long run.


In learning how to draw sketch of lips its requires a mix of perception, method, and scrupulousness. By beginning with a reasonable diagram and zeroing in on the particular bends and extents, you establish the groundwork for a practical portrayal. Understanding the interchange of light and shadow is critical for making a three-layered appearance, while adding unpretentious surfaces and barely recognizable differences will upgrade the normal look of the lips. Staying away from normal slip-ups, like weighty frameworks and excessively balanced shapes, guarantees that your drawing holds an exact quality. With training and a sharp eye for detail, you can catch the expressive and nuanced nature of lips, rejuvenating your pictures. Nonstop perception and trial and error with various procedures will refine your abilities, permitting you to deliver lips that are physically exact as well as convey feeling and profundity in your work of art.

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